Lean and Mean
By: Giantguy

The credit card machine spit out the receipt. Charlie looked up as he was finishing filling in the application form.

"There ya go," Barry (wearing his Universal Gym shirt that said "Barry" on it) said, leaning over to rip the receipt off. "Sign this and you're all set for a year's membership." He sat back on the stool behind the desk, swiping his hand through his dirty-blonde hair. He surveyed the new member -- Charlie -- reading through his application while Charlie signed the slip. DOB -- hmm, makes him 25 -- member of the sports club across town until now -- swimmer, by the looks of him -- hair a little green from the pool -- probably 5'9 when he stands up straight...

"And why'd you say you wanted to join up here?" Barry held his pen, waiting as Charlie looked up.

"Uh -- checked out the pool you guys have, it's better than the one I was using. Plus the membership sale, with the free training sessions. I've been wanting to do some more lifting -- that's still included, right?"

"Oh yeah, it's all in there. We should get your first session set up. I can assign you to somebody, or you can pick -- all the pictures of the trainers are over there on the wall if ya want to check 'em out."

Charlie saw where Barry was pointing -- a series of framed 8x10s hung on the wall, each with a picture of a trainer and a short bio explaining their backgrounds, training and specialties.

He looked them over -- there was a mix of men and women, some in their 20s, others older and tougher. Some of them flashed their best "I'm also an actor!" smiles at the camera, while some scowled in mean-bodybuilder style. There was one at the end that caught Charlie's eye -- labeled "Seth." The guy looked to be late 20s, maybe black Irish or even Greek -- dark hair and eyes, a crooked nose that looked like it had been busted in a fight once or twice. He had a different expression on his face than the rest ... he stared right into the camera, almost past it, with one corner of his full mouth curled in a slight sneer.

Charlie came back to the desk. "So, how about this Seth guy?" Barry stopped for a second.

"Uh -- you sure? There's a lot of good ones up there. Maybe I can recommend somebody for you to start out with --"

"Why? He no good or something?"

Barry shook his head. "No, he's good. Damn good. Thing is, he's tough. He'll push ya. Push ya hard."

"Well, that's what I want."

Barry leaned across the counter. "Man, I've seen some real pro-level guys train with Seth. He's tough enough that they don't come back."

Charlie thought about this for a second. What was the guy, a goddamn boot camp sergeant? Maybe that would be good for him. He'd been pretty hard on himself, keeping in top shape since he'd graduated and stopped swimming competitively -- but he was gonna need somebody to really kick his ass if he was going to put on some mass and go up a level.

"I'll take my chances," Charlie grinned. "When's the hard- ass free next?"

Barry pulled out the schedule, shaking his head again. Here we go again, he thought. "How about -- hey, he's got a space tomorrow. Last session -- nine o'clock. You up for it?"

"I'm up for it." Charlie said. This is going to be just what I need, he thought.

The next night, Charlie came racing in at five minutes to nine. It had been a bitch of a day, and he was looking forward to forgetting about all of that crap and just working his ass off. Barry saluted from behind the counter. "Thought maybe you were gonna chicken out, man" he said, swiping Charlie's new ID.

"Hell no!" Charlie shouted over his shoulder as he went down the stairs to the locker room in the basement level. He changed his clothes at lightning speed, keeping one eye on the clock. He didn't want to be late for his first session, especially if this guy lived up to his reputation. He barreled up the steps to the second level, where the free weights were, looking across the floor to the trainer's station.

There was Seth. Hard to miss him. The picture captured the rough, angular planes of his face, but it didn't give a clue how BIG this guy was. He was six five, easy, and probably weighed in at 240 pounds of muscle. He leaned against the door of the trainer's office, his arms folded, making his already massive biceps look like bowling balls. His dark hair was curly, shining as though he'd already had a hard workout session. Sideburns came down along the edge of his jaw, which was covered in five o'clock shadow.

Charlie straightened his shoulders and headed toward the trainer's station. Couldn't start off being intimidated -- he'd had some tough coaches in college, nobody was going to break him in one session.

"Hey -- you're, uh, you're Seth, right?"

Seth didn't move, just focused his gaze down on Charlie, appraising him slowly. After a minute, he spoke, in a low, smooth voice.

"So you're Mister Nine O Clock. You ready?"

Charlie just nodded. He was ready.

"Let's get to it."

Barry had been right. Seth was damn good, but he was a son of a bitch. He put Charlie through the hardest workout of his life -- correcting his form, pushing him to his weight limit, growling at him to squeeze out a few more reps. Charlie kept up under Seth's constant barrage, just focusing down and concentrating. He was surprising even himself -- he hadn't trained this hard in a couple of years, but it was all coming back to him.

"Come on man, push it. PUSH IT. Now one more. I SAID ONE MORE. COME ON."

Charlie grunted, heaving the bar up over his chest one last time. Seth took it from him, slamming it back on the supports. Seth looked down at him. "Not bad."

Charlie grinned. From what he knew about Seth so far, that was probably the highest praise you could get out of him.

Seth turned and headed toward the trainer's room. "Come on. Got some tests for you." Charlie heaved himself off the bench and followed, wiping the sweat out of his eyes. Man, he had sweated clear through his shirt.

"Tests? Like what?" Charlie noticed that the gym, which had still been pretty busy when he came in, was close to completely cleared out. The clock read 10:30.

Seth took a set of keys from the trainer's station and opened a door into a further room. "Body composition. Want to see where you're starting off, give ya a goal to hit."

Score! Charlie grinned to himself. He must have passed the test -- wasn't going to be one of the dropouts. "That's great, never had that measured. Is it uh, is it gonna take long?"

Seth turned, frowning. "Why? You got someplace to be?"

Charlie flushed. "No, no, I'm cool with it, just saw the time, I know the gym is closing pretty soon, and I uh --"

Seth turned back. "I have keys. Don't fucking worry about it. Get in here."

Seth motioned Charlie into the room. There was a padded table like a massage table, and a small desk holding a small piece of equipment that had a few switches and dials, and two wires running from it. Charlie stood, not sure what to do next.

Seth sat down, flipping the dial around, watching an LED readout. "Get up there. Shoes and socks off. Shirt off too, that's easier." he said, curtly. Charlie slid by him to get to the table. In the enclosed space, Seth seemed even bigger, filling the room, his breathing echoing off the walls as he concentrated on the machine.

Charlie pulled off his Nikes and his sweaty socks, then sat up, lifting his shirt over his head and balling it up, wiping the sweat from his pits with it. He stared at Seth's arms, the powerful biceps flexing slightly as Seth adjusted the machine. Damn -- he wondered if he could ever get as built up as that. He rubbed his hand over the smooth skin of his shoulder and across his hairless chest. Well, if anybody could get him built up, it was this guy.

"Okay, we hook these electrodes up to ya -- doesn't hurt in case you're wondering -- one to your hand one to your foot. Lay back." Charlie did, as Seth took the wires, and stood over him. Charlie looked up... Seth looked huge, towering above him, arms massive, pecs swelling out of his muscle shirt. Seth took the adhesive ends of the wires, attaching one to Charlie's hand, reaching down to put the other on Charlie's bare foot. As he did, Charlie felt a quick spark where Seth touched him. He jumped a little. Seth grinned as he turned back to the machine.

"Okay, so this piece of junk runs a little current through you and figures out how much body fat you got... you won't even feel it." There was a pause as Seth set the machine going. He cleared his throat. "So you eat good? No junk food crap?"

Charlie stared at the ceiling. Even not looking at Seth, he could still feel his presence, his energy, filling the tiny room. "No... no I eat pretty good."

"Cause that's the most important thing. I don't put any of that shit into my body," Seth's voice lowered a little. "I only eat the good stuff."

He looked at the readout, checking it against Charlie's chart, reading his weight, punching some numbers into the machine.

"Looks like... looks like you're at 10%. Not bad." Seth turned to look at Charlie, again eyeing him up and down, evaluating his lean, smooth body. "Not bad at all buddy. I think you pass."

Charlie almost couldn't look back at Seth. He had butterflies going in his stomach and he was starting to sweat again, and he didn't know why. "Well... that's great. So can I take these wires off?"

Seth grinned wide. "Oh, I'll take 'em off for ya -- in just a sec. One more thing we gotta do." He flipped a switch on the back of the machine, and turned the dial all the way to one side. "Hold on." he said, punching a button.

Charlie felt a buzzing sensation, and then his vision blacked out.

A second (a minute? an hour?) later, Charlie tried to shake his head. It was hard to move... there was ringing in his ears, but he heard a smooth click like the sound of ... like the sound of the door being locked. He tried to move his lips. They tingled. He heard Seth's low, even voice.

"You okay there buddy? Musta hit the wrong switch or something. Happens. Crappy machine. Might be tough to move there for a second, just lay back."

Charlie blinked his eyes. His vision was blurry but it was coming back. He felt Seth's warm hands at his feet, removing the electrode, and rubbing over them, bringing some sensation back. He felt almost like he were removed, watching himself.

"Here we go buddy. You're gonna do just fine... 10%, now that's damn good. Most of the guys who come dragging in here are at 22, maybe 20, 15 even. Haven't had a ten percenter in a while... nice and lean. The good stuff."

Charlie tried to clear his head. He was hearing Seth's voice, hypnotic like an FM DJ, but the words weren't connecting. He felt Seth's huge hands grip his ankles.

"Mmm... yeah. Been waiting a while for this."

Charlie felt something warm and wet sliding over his toes, slowly down his feet and over his ankles ... it felt good ... he was still lightheaded from the shock ... but he was getting his feeling back in his fingers and toes ... his feet were warming up... he wiggled his toes, moving them back and forth in the slippery wetness. There was a grunt, and Seth's hands, now gripping his calves, tightened their grip. Charlie raised himself up slightly. He blinked again, his vision coming in to focus. His breath tightened, and he almost passed out again.

Seth had both his feet engulfed in his mouth, which was stretching wider and wider, steadily drawing Charlie in. In the moment it took Charlie to process what was happening, Seth's distended mouth was wrapped around Charlie's shins just below the knee.

"What the... what the FUCK are you --" Charlie's words were cut off as Seth grabbed his thighs, lifting him and whipcracking him back against the table, knocking the breath out of him. Charlie scrabbled for a handhold on the smooth, padded surface of the table, but found nothing. He looked down again at the impossible sight -- Seth, his jaw stretched to an incredible size, slowly stuffing Charlie down into his maw. Charlie felt his legs sliding against Seth's rough, wet tongue -- his feet were surrounded by smooth, slick flesh that squeezed against them as Seth gulped and gulped again, taking Charlie down into his throat.

Charlie struggled against the suction that was pulling him in -- he felt Seth's tongue swipe against him, slurping and drooling as Seth advanced, unstoppable, pushing his gaping mouth up Charlie's thighs.

Seth reached out with both hands, gripping Charlie's thin cotton workout shorts on either side. Charlie saw the veins in Seth's biceps pulse as the muscles knotted, until the shorts gave way, ripping off Charlie's hips. Charlie was left with just his jock, with Seth's lips just beneath them. Charlie closed his eyes, refusing to believe what was happening. Still, he could feel Seth's hot breath blowing across his crotch... and he could feel the thick, slippery spit oozing from Seth's lips, soaking the pouch of his jock. Then he could feel Seth's hands... sliding across him ... pulling at his jock...

Charlie opened his eyes again, staring at Seth, who had him halfway down his throat. Seth had slicked up his hands with spit, and was now pressing his huge hands down on Charlie's cock, massaging it, jacking it. Charlie tried to struggle again, but he was locked within Seth's mouth more tightly than ever.

And he suddenly felt his cock beginning to get hard.

"No! NO FUCKIN WAY! STOP!" Charlie shouted, trying to push against Seth's shoulders. But it was too late -- Charlie's cock had sprung to full hardness, unable to resist the friction from Seth's callused hands. Charlie flung himself back, gasping for breath, feeling his full seven and half inches raise up from his crotch, his cock hard and aching.

There was an appreciative grunt from Seth, who gripped Charlie's cock in one hand, giving it a quick pump before letting it splat back against Charlie's heaving abs.

Charlie felt Seth readjust his position... and he felt the warm wetness sliding over his balls and up his cock.

Charlie suddenly began to struggle again with everything he had in him. He twisted his body, trying to spring himself loose from the hot, wet suction trap of Seth's mouth. He tried to pry Seth's lips up, only causing Seth's to chuckle deep in his throat. Charlie didn't have much strength left - - the supercharged workout had left him drained, limp, muscles close to trembling with fatigue... the perfect victim, he realized, as he fell back against the table, unable to fight anymore.

Seth's hands were under his back now, lifting him and sliding him into Seth's mouth. Seth's lips were stretched around his chest now, making it harder for him to breathe. He could feel Seth's huge tongue swiping back and forth across him, digging in between the cheeks of his ass, driving his body upward so his cock rubbed across the ridged roof of Seth's mouth.

Charlie was growing more lightheaded from the fatigue and adrenalin plus the squeezing of his torso. He felt a familiar tingling in his balls... the relentless friction against his cock, now deep in Seth's mouth, was bringing him close to the edge... his hands were raised over his head now... Seth pulled him in further, gripping him by the shoulders, lips almost to his neck... his cock was sliding against smoother flesh... it was contracting around him.. the sensation was incredible ... he could barely breathe ... his vision was blacking out again... Seth's muscular tongue was licking, pushing, driving against his asshole, then sliding all the way up his back and down again... he was close... so close... on the edge... he was beginning to moan softly, not even realizing he was doing it... his dick throbbed... he thrust it against the powerful muscles of Seth's throat as he felt Seth's lips at his chin... sliding upward, covering him...

He came, his cum blasting in spurts deep in Seth's swollen throat. At the same time, Seth groaned, straining, gulping...

Charlie's hands were the last of him to slide between Seth's lips. Seth crawled forward onto the table, flipping himself over, throat muscles still working as he pushed Charlie deep into his belly. Seth was covered in sweat... rubbing his hands across his iron abs... feeling the struggle within...

He worked his jaw slowly... feeling it return to normal... feeling his pulse pounding strongly in his ears... his breath slowing...

There was a knock on the door. "Hey. Hey, it's Barry. I'm closing up. You all done in there?"

Seth opened his mouth, straining to reply. He let out a long, wet belch, which rumbled out for a good ten seconds.

Barry stepped away from the door, grinning to himself. Oh yeah. He was done.

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